How to Make Natural Soap

Want to do away with those commercial soaps made of harsh ingredients? Why not make your own soap in the comforts of your very own home?

Think about sweet-smelling soaps you buy in the supermarket or beauty shop. Yes, they do clean and lather well. But are you aware of what chemicals have been put into them by their manufacturers for various reasons?

If you want to be more natural, why not clean your body organically? This way, you are in control of what you lather onto your skin. You can add in natural vitamins and minerals to nourish your skin.

But how do you go about making your very own soap? The pages in this category will show you step by step guidelines on how to make homemade soap. You will be surprised to know how easy it can be. You will also find it surprising how inexpensive it can be to revitalize and pamper your skin.

Knowing how to make natural soap is a skill that you will treasure and keep forever. You will only need a few tools, mostly found in the kitchen, some of your free time, and a willingness to learn and experiment.
Feel free to browse through our pages for important soap making ingredients, formulations and additional information.

Important Organic Soap Making Supplies Worth Getting

If you want to make your own pure natural, organic soap, then you should invest in the right soap making supplies. The organic soap making supplies you choose can have a significant effect on your finished product.

The soap making supplies you need vary depending on the method you choose to make soap. In the same way, your ingredients will depend largely on the soap making recipe you will follow.

Some soap making supplies can actually be found lying in your own kitchen. You can even improvise some tools and equipment so you do not have to spend as much.

Remember that your soap making supplies do not have to be expensive. They only have to do their jobs well and be durable to last many, many cycles of soap-making. There are soap making supplies worth investing in, especially if you plan to produce natural organic soaps in large scale numbers.

Most Important Organic Soap Making Supplies You Need

If you would like to make your very own natural soap products, you have to know all the organic soap making supplies you need. The supplies you need for making soap can vary depending on the soap making method you use as well as your formulation.

Making your own natural soap will provide your skin the right nourishment and the healthiest experience ever. Natural soaps are very gentle on the skin, can naturally moisturize and slow down aging signs.

Many people fail to realize the importance of pampering the skin through organic soaps until it is too late. We feel it unimportant to pay attention to what we lather onto our skin. More so for spending on organic soapmaking supplies when soap is largely available and generally inexpensive.

Are Soap Making Supplies Expensive?

Natural soap making supplies are usually inexpensive. Some of them need not be bought as they can be found in your very own homes. In fact, there are many pure natural soap recipes which are a lot cheaper than those that can be bought in beauty shops and supermarkets.

Of course, there are some formulations which require soap making supply materials and ingredients that are expensive. However, the most basic ones are affordable and reasonably priced. Wholesale novelty soaps are also largely available cheap if you would like to start selling your own soap products.

What are the Organic Soap Making Supplies You Need?

Soap Base. Soap bases are one of the most convenient soap making supplies. It is used in the melt and pour method of making soap. It is generally just like raw soap which you melt then add fragrances, colors and oils to enhance them. There are various soap base varieties including glycerine and Castile. Goat milk soap supplies are now based on soap bases as well as they are most convenient.

Lye. Unlike the melt and pour method, the most important of all cold process soap making supplies is lye. This is used to make cold process soap base by adding water and fats or lard.

Fixed or Carrier Oil. These oils add character to your soap. They are added for the soap to enrich and beautify your skin.

Essential Oils or Fragrance. These oils are scents that gives your soap the scent that you desire. Popular scents include vanilla, apple, rose, peach, green tea, lilac, and so on.

Natural Ingredients and Additives. These provide distinctive properties to your soap.These include exfoliants like oats, herbal extracts like grapefruit seed extract for washing, and cocoa butter or aloe vera for additional moisture.

Molds. Soap molds come in a wide number of forms, shapes and materials. You can make your selection based on your preferences. Novelty molds are available for seasonal soaps.

Colorants. If you want your soap to look aesthetically attractive, use a colorant. You can control the intensity, but it may take some experimentation to achieve the right color.

Utensils. Equipment and utensils can come handy when making soap. You should need some stainless steel or enamel pot, mixing bowl, a weighing scale plastic or stainless steel spoon, aprons, goggles for your eyes, rubber gloves, thermometer, pitcher, and a blender or mixer.

Why Natural Soap Making Kits are Worth Buying

Making your very own soap has now been made easiest with natural soap making kits. These soap making kits contain all the ingredients, tools and materials you need to make your very own homemade soap.

The Convenience of Soap Making Kits

If you are a newbie making hand made soap, natural soap recipes will come handy for you. However, measuring ingredients and finding out if you have put enough may sometimes be more difficult than you have initially imagined. Thanks to natural soap kits, you can be on your way to making your own pure natural soap in as easy as 1-2-3.

There are a wide variety of natural soap kits available today. You can find them in your local craft store or in a wholesale novelty soap shop. Each soap making kit includes a complete set of pre-measured ingredients which correspond to those mentioned in the recipe. The recipe of course includes step-by-step instructions to make the soap. They may also include additives, colorants and soap molds.

Soap making kits for making natural soap products also vary in terms of the amount of finished product. Most kits make about 10 pieces of 4-ounce soap bars. Large sized kits can make about 30 pieces, consisting of about 5 quarts of lye or an equivalent amount of soap base.

How much do soap making kits cost?

Soap making kits are widely available in many online sites. They vary anywhere from $10 to $30 for every pound of soap making supply. These prices are actually good enough. Making your own soap will prove to be a lot cheaper than soaps you can buy commercially.

Melt and Pour Soap Making Kits

Many natural soap making kits are for melt and pour soap making. This should not be surprising since they are easiest to do for newbies and crafters alike. They come in goat’s milk sets, glycerin kits and seasonal kits for special occasions. The kit usually is made of a soap base, some fragrance, and a recipe sheet.

Cold Process Soap Making Kits

Cold process soap making kits are also available. They are also made easy for those who would like to make natural soap products through the cold process method. These kits usually consist of pre-measured oils, lye, fragrance or essential oil, a thermometer, and a recipe sheet.

Specialized Soap Making Kits

Specialized body soap set kits are also available for a variety of specialized functions. You can make your very own organic natural baby soap or soaps against acne or eczema. Shaving soap kits, bath bomb frizzies, herbal soaps for aromatherapy, moisturizing kits, are also among the most popular.

Refill Kits

Soap making kits have now been made even better. Most of them now have refill kits to make new batches of soap when the original kit inclusions have been used up.

Kits for soap making make the entire experience easier and more convenient. Now, taking care of your skin and nourishing it with the right ingredients are now within reach.

Enjoy Making Soap with Fun Soap Making Molds

One of the most interesting aspects about soap making is that you have the chance to get creative with soap making molds. If you would like to venture into natural soap products, it is great to invest in these molds. They make the entire soap making experience fun and exciting.

How important is a soap mold? Obviously, a soap mold determines the shape of the final soap you make. There are a wide variety of soap making molds available in wholesale or retail today. You can find them in craft stores and soap making supply shops. There are molds for just about any shape or kind you can think of!

How do you go about choosing from all the types of molds available? You can experiment on different molds depending on the soap base or wax you use. Your choice should also depend on the process you use to make soap.

Traditional Rectangular Bar Soap Molds

If you are the conservative type or would like to make your own natural soap for regular, everyday use, you will find the basic rectangular bar soap molds most convenient. Some of them may have shape molded at the bottom for a more aesthetically pleasing look.

Log Soap Mold

You will find log or slab soap molds very convenient as well. These are designed so that you can pour in a bunch of soaps onto the same mold. These soaps can be cut apart with most ease. This is best if you need to make lots of soap and would like to save time on cutting everything apart in pieces.

Novelty Molds

These days, novelty shaped soap molds have gained popularity. They range from novelty shapes like hearts, stars, flowers, to the most intricate ones for special occasions and holidays.

Custom Molds

You can actually make your own custom shaped molds or have one fabricated by your local manufacturer. If you can’t find one that best suits your taste, custom molds is the way to go.

In terms of material, there are three general types of soap making molds to choose from:

Basic Soap Molds

These molds are the most inexpensive kinds and are usually made of plastic.

Wooden Soap Molds

These are molds made out of wood. These molds are employed from traditional times in soap making. They are basically just wooden boxes with hinges on the sides. You can simply open them up once the soap is hard. You might need to put in a wax paper lining as soaps usually stick to wooden molds.

Silicone Soap Molds

These are the newest types of molds which crafters really love. A silicone soap mold is flexible, durable and non-stick. These molds are also popularly used when making custom molds.

Home-made Soap Mold

For creative soap makers, you can actually make your very own soap mold! You can either improvise using containers you find in your own kitchen. They can be more difficult to deal with, and may take some experimentation. You can also do your own shaping and sculpting with your very own hands.

Soap molds definitely make the entire soap making experience all the more enjoyable.

Wholesale Soap Making Products for the Soap Wholesaler

Making handmade soaps is a fun hobby. The process of creating the soaps, from looking for the perfect combination of oils and herbs to storing the finished product for future use, entails work that is both fulfilling and entertaining especially for a soap enthusiast.

Making handmade soaps is also beneficial. Soaps using natural and organic ingredients are better on the skin than commercial ones because they have no harsh chemicals and preservatives. Natural soaps leave your skin much more supple and beautiful. Also, you can just go ahead and create the soap you want if you can’t find the kind you want in the supermarket.

Soap Making for a Living

But do you know that making handmade soaps, aside from being fun and beneficial, can also be quite profitable? Yes, you can make wholesale handmade soaps not just for fun, but also for a living. More and more people are recognizing the importance of going natural when it comes to their skin. You’ll surely find a market for wholesale natural soaps.

Basic Steps of Soap Making

Handmade soap is quite easy to make, too. You can start with clear or glycerin soap which will be your base. You just need to melt the glycerin and once it is melted, you can add essential oils, coloring, and perfumes. The kind of ingredient you put depends on the kind of soap you want to end up with.

After mixing everything well, pour the mixture into a mold whose shape can be anything you want it to be. If you’re tired of round and rectangular soaps you can use molds in the shape of stars, animals, hearts, letters, etc. If you plan to sell wholesale novelty soaps, you can go crazy with the shapes.

Let the mixture harden in the freezer. The soap is ready for use or for storage after it is taken out of the freezer.

Going Wholesale

If you can imagine yourself doing this on a regular basis, you might just have a future in wholesale soap making. If you plan to take a shot at this venture, you may be interested in looking at wholesale soap making products. It’s important to have the proper equipment especially when you plan to make a lot of soaps in a short amount of time. When you have big orders to fulfill, using wholesale soap making products can help lighten your burden. Wholesale soap making products enables you to mass-produce handmade soaps quickly without sacrificing the high quality that comes with natural soaps.

Making Your Very Own Handmade Soap

Interested in making your very own handmade soap? You have come to the right place.

You might wonder how come more and more people are becoming interested in making handmade soap. Yes, soaps can be bought everywhere, some at dirt cheap prices even. However, these soap bars sold commercially are downright anonymous. You do not know what ingredients were put in and whether they are safe on your skin, both in the short and long-term.

On the other hand, handmade soaps are undoubtedly safe. They feel good, smell good and will give your skin the pampering and luxury that it truly deserves. The good news is, making your very own luxury handmade soap is not as difficult as you have previously thought.

Choosing Quality Ingredients is a MUST

Generally, soap is just a simple reaction between oils or fats and lye. The difference between those commercial soaps, those harsh greasy “lye soaps” and your very own handmade soap lies on the choice of ingredients.

This goes without saying that you have to pay much attention to choosing your ingredients. Only by using high-quality soap-making components can you create beautiful soaps that are ideal for your skin.

Once you choose the right combination of quality oils, you can add in your favorite essential oil and fragrance, swirl in some attractive colorant, and voila! You now have a fine quality, charming soap that commercial soaps can never match.

Four Basic Methods of Making Handmade Soap

There are four different kinds of methods for making handmade soap.

  • One of the simplest and easiest to do, for example, will be handmade glycerine soap through the melt-and-pour method. You use pre-made soap blocks called soap base and then add fragrance and essential oils as you wish.
  • The cold process is most common. You simply make soap from scratch using lye and oils.
  • A unique variation of the cold process method is the so called hot process. This time, you actually cook the soap as you combine lye and oils.
  • Another simple process is to rebatch. This is where you simple grind up soap bars, add milk, water or other additives then reblend them.

There are countless of soap making recipes all over the Internet. If you look through them, you will notice that the procedures are similar but the ingredients vary greatly.

The method you choose and the choice of ingredients will depend on the kind of soap you wish to make and how much time and effort you can spare.
If you would like an all-natural beauty soap for example, you can start with handmade lavender soap through the melt-and-pour method.

Remember though that soap making is one subject that might take time to master. Although the basics of making soap, perfecting the art can only be done with practice. Do not expect to make it right the first time. If you constantly work at it, you will surely come up with the best handmade soap that suits your skin’s every need.

Choosing the Right Soap Mold

It is true that just about anything that can hold water may be used as a soap mold. You can find possible soap molds in your kitchen. However, if you would like to pursue this art and would like to make your soaps more interesting, you have three choices.

You can buy soap molds specifically for soap making directly from soap supply companies. Another good alternative will be to go to hobby or craft stores and buy containers or molds which are not really for soap making but would make good molds for soap making. You can also make your own homemade soap mold using anything from PVC pipes, scrap wood, etc plus a lot of creativity.

If you imagine yourself to be into soap making for a long time, then investing in a soap mold will be a great idea. If you would like to start selling your own soap, you will need a number of good molds to make your products consistently exciting and attractive.

There are many types of soap molds available. In terms of material, there are wood soap molds, silicon soap molds, and plastic soap molds, the choice of which will depend on a few factors. Also, although there are thousands of kinds of soap molds, there is a big difference between high quality and inferior ones.

Below are some factors that you should consider for choosing your soap mold:

First, you have to know how often you will use the mold and what soap making process you intend to use. Pouring very hot mixtures often can degrade flimsy molds. Consider for example that plastic soap molds tend to degrade when subjected to essential or fragrance oils, more so with harsh chemicals.

Soap molds usually have suggested pouring temperatures, so you might want to ask the supplier about this. Be reminded too that abrupt changes in temperature (switching from too hot to too cold) can cause plastic to crack or shatter.

If you intend to use the hot soap making process, it is best that you choose a soap mold that can tolerate temperature changes. Wooden soap molds can be a good option.

Second, it is also good to consider the flexibility of the material. A more flexible soap mold allows easier unmolding. The best molds today are made of natural latex and silicone. They are most flexible, although they are a little more costly.

What is most interesting about soap molds is that they come in almost all shapes and sizes. Whether you want a simple, heart soap mold or a more intricate Halloween soap mold, you will surely find one being sold.

Consider also that for best results, you will need to line your soap mold with wax paper or oil to prevent the soap from sticking onto the mold. If you don’t, there is a good chance that you will ruin your final product. If this happens, there is no going back.

Soap molds today are accessible and wide-ranging than ever before. This makes soap making experience a lot more fun and exciting.

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